On Tuesday, June 4, 2002, at 07:59 , David T-G wrote:
> %
> % I didnt know this was such a religious topic.

one of the problems I keep bumping my head into
is that fundamentally perl is a Kult - and as such
tends to not always be a well organized kult - since
they are never clear as to which are the true cannons of the faith
and which are the apostate ramblings of the merely deranged.

Is there an official site dedicated to the True Cannons of Perl?

I mean I find the CPAN has some stuff that holds one set of
doctrines - the sourceforge freaks - as I learned from the
nms affair - sometimes support the CPAN freaks.... but that
they also deviate from the ActivePerl freaks....

Also - given the recent 'crisis of faith' here - where there
was the 'html only' version of sending out email, without doing
the appropriate 'and the text version as well' - so that those
of us who run Mail.app can flip back and forth to turn on or
off the blinkyWhirlyBoingBoingBoing coolie bits the keyboard
monkey shipped - in html - so as to actually get at the text
underneath.... Or was that a part of the konspirakii of actually
showing how to write bad email in html????

{ he said trying to keep the thread within the context of the
group specifications.... }



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