drieux wrote:

> I am intentionally avoiding fliptops remarks on the ground that
> i fear if I reference 'engineer' too close to 'software' I will
> be obliged to complain about the

sorry - i should have specified i took chemical, not software 
engineering.  i didn't mean to spark fear (dread?) in your hearts 
(though i don't understand why).

> for the apostate - 'canon' - with only one 'n' is the technical
> term deriving from greek denoting a bar or the measuring rod -
> hence - that which is 'canonical' ....
> 'true cannon' - with two 'n' in it - be, well, a rude way
> of denoting that the defense of the faith may be with artillery....

i misread your original post, and took the 1st meaning mentioned above. 
    what you ask about sounds like a good idea, but i'm wondering if 
this is the appropriate forum for discussing it......

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