Even thought my e-mail is out on the web. It is not posted as an account to
freely send advertising e-mails to. Spam is "unsolicited e-mail" so if I
didn't sign up on website that EXPLICITLY states "by disclosing your e-mail
you agree to the Terms of our conditions", which the Terms would state some
garble of being sent regular e-mails from them or other companies, etc. etc.
I don't recall seeing that in the e-mail for this and other perl lists.
(most of this only applies for the U.S.)

But I don't use this account for that. I use this account for work and
perllists, and my other accounts for signups. Too bad I can't use
SpamAssassin since I am not admin and I am forced to use M$ LOOKout. I
cannot filter my e-mails other than using the crappy rules wizard in Outlook
(212 rules and counting). (no they don't allow POP3 access or any other
way... try as I might the sysadmins say too bad sucka)

Poor me stuck with SH1Tty mail programs at work.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David T-G [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 10:15 AM
> To: perl beginners cgi
> Cc: Nikola Janceski
> Subject: Re: HTML in E-mail
> Nikola --
> ...and then Nikola Janceski said...
> % 
> % To new perlmongers:
> % 
> % I hope that whoever started this thread isn't the one who 
> is send out the
> % ugliest spam (HTML attached as a txt file) to mine and 
> others accounts. I
> I just have to ask, because I'm a bit lost...  Do you mean 
> when you get
> spam in general, or did this thread include some spam to 
> which you refer?
> % don't get much spam, but the only reason I do is because 
> people on lists,
> % such as this one, take the e-mails and spam them. I fore 
> warn all spammers
> If you're talking about getting spam in general, I hate to 
> have to be the
> one to tell you that you're not quite right.  This, just like 
> many, many
> other lists, is archived.  A quick trip to google to put in the search
> query 
> turned up
>   http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg24627.html
> as the first of 316 results.  Clearly you're out there already, and it
> doesn't take anything as bothersome as subscribing to a list 
> to grab your
> address.
> If you aren't using SpamAssassin already (hey, we're back on 
> topic, since
> it's written in perl!), you should check it out.  You might also look
> into TMDA (even if it is written in Python ;-) to generate 
> controllable
> return mail addresses if you can get away from LookOut! for your mail.
> :-D
> -- 
> David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for 
> one's principles
> (play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- 
> fortune cookie
> http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur 
> Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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