Nikola, et al --

...and then Nikola Janceski said...
% Even thought my e-mail is out on the web. It is not posted as an account to
% freely send advertising e-mails to. Spam is "unsolicited e-mail" so if I

True, and unfair, but not the fault of the list.  I thought I understood
you to say that nasty spammers sign up on lists to gather addresses, when
that certainly isn't necessary.

% didn't sign up on website that EXPLICITLY states "by disclosing your e-mail
% you agree to the Terms of our conditions", which the Terms would state some
% garble of being sent regular e-mails from them or other companies, etc. etc.
% I don't recall seeing that in the e-mail for this and other perl lists.
% (most of this only applies for the U.S.)

And, in fact, I'm willing to bet a Twinkie that the perl lists haven't
shared your email info.  The various archive sites might have, though,
by putting the posts up for all to search.  Such is the price, you might
say, of having such a resource available.  [Admittedly, it would be
nice if *all* archives out there, as well as the various list servers
that offer back copies, did some sort of address mutilation to defeat
spammers, but the problem is that it will always have to be not only
formulaic but in fact translatable by a person, and so there will always
be a programmatic way to unwrap the mess and get a valid address out,
so it's hardly worth the effort -- and, undoubtedly, why they don't.]

% But I don't use this account for that. I use this account for work and
% perllists, and my other accounts for signups. Too bad I can't use

Fair enough.  You might try talking them into giving you a special
address to use for lists; have your rules wizard bounce posts from the
lists to you over to your real account and just let the aging function
autotrash whatever else lands in there.  Hmmm...  Perhaps you should make
your current account the published box and have a new, clean mailbox set
up to catch the good stuff :-)

The amazing thing is that your IT department happily accepts all of this
spam, thus accepting the load on their servers and the drain on your
time.  It would serve *them* well to implement SA at a system-wide level,
and you'd get benefits as a side effect!

% SpamAssassin since I am not admin and I am forced to use M$ LOOKout. I
% cannot filter my e-mails other than using the crappy rules wizard in Outlook
% (212 rules and counting). (no they don't allow POP3 access or any other
% way... try as I might the sysadmins say too bad sucka)

No IMAP, either?  I haven't seen anyone turn that off yet, though I'm
sure it can be done.

Hey, if your company wants to pay you to sit and sort through spam, have
fun with it; visit all the porn sites and then blame it on Outhouse.
Meanwhile, save all of the spam you get to a PST stored on the server
(or, better yet, in a folder under your INBOX if they don't have
autoaging enforced across the system).

% Poor me stuck with SH1Tty mail programs at work.

Start a revolution! :-)

I should probably be quiet now; we've definitely strayed, unless you
plan to bring up writing a perl MAPI module to talk to your mail and
get rid of the spam...


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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