So... San Rafael?


__________________________________________________     Potter: “Expecto pa—”    
     Dresden: “Ventas servitas!”
     Potter: “Hey, my wand—”   
     Dresden: “Infriga!”             


> From: Glenn Glazer <>
>To: G Garb <> 
>Cc: "" <> 
>Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 8:06 PM
>Subject: Re: [Basfa] Vietnamese restaurants in San Jose
>Ah, yes, a Dr. D. classic from my youth.  They pronounce Sepulveda the 
>Angeleno way.  Curiously, Angelenos get the much harder Cahuenga right.  
>Trivia: La Brea Tar Pits is redundant: saying "The La Brea Tar Pits" is like 
>saying "The The Tar Pits Tar Pits".
>On 4/19/2013 18:59, G Garb wrote:
>Which brings to mind this classic song from 1947, as resurrected in the 1980s 
>film "Forbidden Zone"
>>Sent from my iPhonic device
>>On 19 Apr 2013, at 18:31, Glenn Glazer <> wrote:
>>va-yay-ho is correct from when I learned Spanish.  OTOH, I believe that the 
>>'b' belongs in the same syllable as the 'r': cah-BREE-yo.  
>>>If you want massacred Spanish, ask an Angleno to pronounce
            the name of a very long L.A. street: Sepulveda.  Angeleno
            prounciation is "seh-PUHL-veh-dah" not "seh-puhl-VEE-dah"
            (we also don't do the b/v thing, either.).
>>>On 4/19/2013 18:24, Geo Mealer wrote:
>>>Think Vallejo would be va-yay-ho, vs our va-lay-ho. 
>>>>I thought we did pronounce Cabrillo correctly, though. Was I supposed to be 
>>>>rhyming it with armadillo all these years?
>>>>On Apr 19, 2013, at 5:46 PM, "Mark Jansen" <> wrote:
>>>>>Huh? Californians say “Cab-REE-yo,” not “Cab-RILL-o,” while Mission Viejo 
>>>>>is “Vee-YAY-ho but  Vallejois “Val-LAY-ho.” What’s the general rule again?
>>>>> [] 
>>>>>On Behalf Of Ken Patterson
>>>>>Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 5:34 PM
>>>>>To: BASFA
>>>>>Subject: Re: [Basfa] Vietnamese restaurants in San Jose
>>>>>True, but as one of the comments indicated that once something is 
>>>>>localized outside of it's native region, then the prevailing pronunciation 
>>>>>is correct. Because we definitely don't pronounce Vallejo (of Spanish 
>>>>>origin) or Cabrillo (of Portuguese origin) correctly around here...
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