Having a little trouble with mail getting out from my phone, so I'll try again.

French-Vietnamese and local? I can recommend Le Bon De Cuisine. It's a very 
good family restaurant with roots in 1950s Saigon. I might warn you off of the 
Coq au Vin, but that's the only criticism I have. Rebooted here as a food truck 
(Le Bon) and then as a brick and mortar on Santa Teresa Blvd just north of 
Blossom Hill Rd. 408-629-7267. 


> From: Cheryl Morgan <che...@emcit.com>
>To: BASFA list <ba...@basfa.org>; chris garcia <gar...@computerhistory.org> 
>Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 2:37 PM
>Subject: [Basfa] Vietnamese restaurants in San Jose
>Hi folks,
>Aliette de Bodard is coming out to San Jose for the Nebulas weekend. As you 
>may know, she's French Vietnamese. I know we have some great Vietnamese food 
>in the city, but I'm not an expert and anyway I've been away 3 years. Can you 
>let me know which places are good right now so I can pass the info on?
>Love 'n' hugs,
>Cheryl Morgan
>Emerald City: Science Fiction & Fantasy Book Reviews
>UK: 07742 196 331
>Skype: cherylmorgan
>Basfa mailing list
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