va-yay-ho is correct from when I learned Spanish. OTOH, I believe that the 'b' belongs in the same syllable as the 'r': cah-BREE-yo.

If you want massacred Spanish, ask an Angleno to pronounce the name of a very long L.A. street: Sepulveda. Angeleno prounciation is "seh-PUHL-veh-dah" not "seh-puhl-VEE-dah" (we also don't do the b/v thing, either.).



On 4/19/2013 18:24, Geo Mealer wrote:
Think Vallejo would be va-yay-ho, vs our va-lay-ho.

I thought we did pronounce Cabrillo correctly, though. Was I supposed to be rhyming it with armadillo all these years?

On Apr 19, 2013, at 5:46 PM, "Mark Jansen" < <>> wrote:

Huh? Californians say "Cab-REE-yo," not "Cab-RILL-o," while Mission Viejo is "Vee-YAY-ho but Vallejois "Val-LAY-ho." What's the general rule again?


*From:* <> [] *On Behalf Of *Ken Patterson
*Sent:* Friday, April 19, 2013 5:34 PM
*Subject:* Re: [Basfa] Vietnamese restaurants in San Jose

True, but as one of the comments indicated that once something is localized outside of it's native region, then the prevailing pronunciation is correct. Because we definitely don't pronounce Vallejo (of Spanish origin) or Cabrillo (of Portuguese origin) correctly around here...

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