>>>>> On Thu, 3 Feb 2011 15:32:40 -0200, Rodrigo Renie Braga said:
> 2011/2/3 Phil Stracchino <ala...@metrocast.net>
> > On 02/03/11 10:53, Rodrigo Renie Braga wrote:
> > > Humm, very interesting... So, since I have three Pools for each
> > > Incremental, Differential and Full with different retention Volume
> > > Retention periods, basically I'd need to create three Clients resources
> > > for each of these Pools... right?
> > >
> > > How would a Full restore in this case work? How could bacula "join" Inc,
> > > Diff and Full backups for three different Clients (which actuality they
> > > are the same File Daemon)?
> >
> > Well, basically the answer is you can't.  You can't match up an
> > incremental backup from one client against a full from another.
> >
> > When you wind up trying to do something like this, it's usually a pretty
> > good clue that at some point back when, you took something in the wrong
> > direction.
> >
> > >From looking at what you've included of the original question, I suspect
> > the root of your problem here is that at least one of your retention
> > times is set absurdly short.
> >
> >
> Yes, it is... it's ONE DAY... :)
> Not my necessity, I just said that it could be possible... Now I see that
> it's not...
> OK, I know that I will have to review all my Retention Periods again to fix
> this problem... but is it a BUG in Bacula that it will prune every Job of a
> Client using the Retention Period from the Pool of the current Job running,
> even if all other Jobs have different retentions on their Pools? If it is a
> BUG, is anyone working on it?
Yes, I think it has been fixed in version 5.1 (not released yet).


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