Op 2/02/2011 15:03, Rodrigo Renie Braga schreef:
Hello list!

In my current Bacula configuration, a single Client have different Pools for it's Incremental, Differential and Full Backup. For a specific Client, I have the following configuration:

Job {
    Name = job.ptierp-teste-top
    Client = client.ptierp-teste-top
    JobDefs = jobdef.default
    Full Backup Pool = pool.full.muitobaixo
    Differential Backup Pool = pool.diff.alto
*    Incremental Backup Pool = pool.inc.muitobaixo*

Pool {
    Name = pool.inc
    Pool Type = Backup
    Storage = st.tpa
*    Volume Use Duration = 1 day
    Volume Retention = 1 day*
    Scratch Pool = scratch.tpa
    RecyclePool = scratch.tpa
    File Retention =  1 day
    Job Retention =  1 day
    Cleaning Prefix = "CLN"

The pool config you're posting has a different name from the one defined as incremental backup pool for your job (missing .muitobaixo). Is this a typo or does your real config contain the same error?

I run a Incremental Backup from Monday trough Friday and, with this Pool (using the Volume Retention option), I want to keep only 1 day of Incremental Backup history, but I'm keeping the Differental and Full Backup for longer periods.

How will you restore from a second, third, ..., incremental backup without the info from the previous backups? Without the info from the previous incremental backups it'll be quite the annoying experience if you need to restore a file that changed between your full backup and the last incremental backup, involving bscan ...

Will Bacula always assume the Volume Retention from the Pool being used period to Prune files? Even if a specifically set the File Retention and Job Retention on the Client? Even if I have different Pool for a single Client?

Volume retention always takes precedence over File or Job retentions. There is no use keeping data for a backup on a volume that "no longer exists" as far as bacula knows. As often mentioned on the list: don't use file and job retention definitions in Pool configs. They are bugged in the current version and don't work correctly.

As far as I know pruning should happen on a per-pool basis, applying the correct retention periods per pool. You might want to make sure the retention periods set for your Full pool are correct though.

Kind regards

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