Sorry, I'm resending my question because I think I send it directly to
Martin only...
> >>>>> On Wed, 2 Feb 2011 12:03:13 -0200, Rodrigo Renie Braga said:
> >
> > Before 28-Jan, I had only ran 1 Incremental Backup, because I started the
> > backups for this Client at 26-Jan (which was a Full Backup). Hence, I
> > believe that the Incremental Backup Pruned the Files From the Incremental
> > Backup at 27-Jan and the Full Backup at 26-Jan.
> Yes, per-pool retention times don't work correctly in Bacula 5.0.x. See
> __Martin
Humm, very interesting... So, since I have three Pools for each Incremental,
Differential and Full with different retention Volume Retention periods,
basically I'd need to create three Clients resources for each of these
Pools... right?
How would a Full restore in this case work? How could bacula "join" Inc,
Diff and Full backups for three different Clients (which actuality they are
the same File Daemon)?
Thanks again!
2011/2/3 Rodrigo Renie Braga <>
> >>>>> On Wed, 2 Feb 2011 12:03:13 -0200, Rodrigo Renie Braga said:
>> >
>> > Before 28-Jan, I had only ran 1 Incremental Backup, because I started
>> the
>> > backups for this Client at 26-Jan (which was a Full Backup). Hence, I
>> > believe that the Incremental Backup Pruned the Files From the
>> Incremental
>> > Backup at 27-Jan and the Full Backup at 26-Jan.
>> Yes, per-pool retention times don't work correctly in Bacula 5.0.x. See
>> __Martin
> Humm, very interesting... So, since I have three Pools for each
> Incremental, Differential and Full with different retention Volume Retention
> periods, basically I'd need to create three Clients resources for each of
> these Pools... right?
> How would a Full restore in this case work? How could bacula "join" Inc,
> Diff and Full backups for three different Clients (which actuality they are
> the same File Daemon)?
> Thanks again!
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