Op 2/02/2011 16:47, Rodrigo Renie Braga schreef:
I run a Incremental Backup from Monday trough Friday and, with this Pool (using the Volume Retention option), I want to keep only 1 day of Incremental Backup history, but I'm keeping the Differental and Full Backup for longer periods.

    How will you restore from a second, third, ..., incremental backup
    without the info from the previous backups? Without the info from
    the previous incremental backups it'll be quite the annoying
    experience if you need to restore a file that changed between your
    full backup and the last incremental backup, involving bscan ...

I thought that, since Incremental Backups will be pruned after 24 hours, that the current Incremental Backup was always going to be incremental from the last Differential or Full Backup, hence, I'd keep only one Incremental Backup for that Client.

That would mean that, if I wanted to make de Full Restore of that Client at Friday (for example), I could use the Incremental (that ran that night) + Differential (that ran last Sunday) + Full (that ran at the first Sunday of the month) to make the latest possible restore, or just the last Differential + Full Backup that would be the "state" of the machine last weekend... I don't know if this logic is correct or possible...

I think you might be confusing different backup types here. Full backups backup everything, differential backups will backup everything that has changed since the last Full backup. An Incremental backup however will backup everything that has changed since the last backup*of any type*, be it incremental, differential, or full.

So in your situation, say you are in week 2, on Friday. You'd have these backups:

*F* - I - I - I - I - I - *D - I - I - I - I - I*

Say you want to do a restore from that friday's backup, you'd need all the backups marked in bold above. So if you let your incrementals expire after 1 day, you'll be missing 4 incrementals to make a proper restore from friday's incremental backup. To come back to the example I typed before: if you need a file that changed on wednesday, it won't be in the differential backup, or in the incremental backup on friday. It'll only be backupped in the incremental on wednesday!

    Will Bacula always assume the Volume Retention from the Pool
    being used period to Prune files? Even if a specifically set the
    File Retention and Job Retention on the Client? Even if I have
    different Pool for a single Client?

    Volume retention always takes precedence over File or Job
    retentions. There is no use keeping data for a backup on a volume
    that "no longer exists" as far as bacula knows. As often mentioned
    on the list: don't use file and job retention definitions in Pool
    configs. They are bugged in the current version and don't work

    As far as I know pruning should happen on a per-pool basis,
    applying the correct retention periods per pool. You might want to
    make sure the retention periods set for your Full pool are correct

If it happens on a per pool basis, then why the Incremental Job, which is on a "pool.inc.muitobaixo" Pool prunes the Jobs (and Files) of a Full Backup Job, that is on a "pool.full.muitobaixo" Pool? Or actually that is NOT happening and something else could be pruning the Clients files?

What does the configuration of your differential and full pools look like? Did you change the retention values after you created the volumes, or before? If you change retention values after you've created a volume the new values won't apply until you run an update command in bconsole and explicitly update the retention periods for your existing volumes.

You also might want to explicitly put some "AutoPrune = yes" values in your pool config, as they should always be present for clarity.

Kind regards,

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