Hello list!

In my current Bacula configuration, a single Client have different Pools for
it's Incremental, Differential and Full Backup. For a specific Client, I
have the following configuration:

Client {
    Name = client.ptierp-teste-top
    Address = ptierp-teste-top.pti
    Catalog = cat.default
    Password = "XXX"
*    File Retention = 6 months
    Job Retention = 6 months*

Job {
    Name = job.ptierp-teste-top
    Client = client.ptierp-teste-top
    JobDefs = jobdef.default
    Full Backup Pool = pool.full.muitobaixo
    Differential Backup Pool = pool.diff.alto
*    Incremental Backup Pool = pool.inc.muitobaixo*

Pool {
    Name = pool.inc
    Pool Type = Backup
    Storage = st.tpa
*    Volume Use Duration = 1 day
    Volume Retention = 1 day*
    Scratch Pool = scratch.tpa
    RecyclePool = scratch.tpa
    File Retention =  1 day
    Job Retention =  1 day
    Cleaning Prefix = "CLN"

I run a Incremental Backup from Monday trough Friday and, with this Pool
(using the Volume Retention option), I want to keep only 1 day of
Incremental Backup history, but I'm keeping the Differental and Full Backup
for longer periods.

The problem is, at the end of the Incremental Backup, I see this message in
the log:

28-Jan 03:34 dir.ptibacula-dir JobId 130: Begin pruning Jobs older than 1
day .
28-Jan 03:34 dir.ptibacula-dir JobId 130: No Jobs found to prune.
28-Jan 03:34 dir.ptibacula-dir JobId 130: Begin pruning Jobs.
*28-Jan 03:34 dir.ptibacula-dir JobId 130: Pruned Files from 2 Jobs for
client client.ptierp-teste-top from catalog.*
28-Jan 03:34 dir.ptibacula-dir JobId 130: End auto prune.

Before 28-Jan, I had only ran 1 Incremental Backup, because I started the
backups for this Client at 26-Jan (which was a Full Backup). Hence, I
believe that the Incremental Backup Pruned the Files From the Incremental
Backup at 27-Jan and the Full Backup at 26-Jan.

That can be proven because I try to run "list files jobid=xxx" using the
jobid of the last Full Backup for this Client, and I got nothing listed.

Will Bacula always assume the Volume Retention from the Pool being used
period to Prune files? Even if a specifically set the File Retention and Job
Retention on the Client? Even if I have different Pool for a single Client?

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