Maria McKinley wrote:
> Hi there,
> A while ago I moved bacula from one machine to another. I basically 
> started from scratch, and didn't bother to move over the old database. 
> Now, I need to retrieve a directory from tapes from the old database. I 
> have two choices, and I am wondering which is easier. I know that the 
> files are somewhere on a stack of four tapes, so I could bscan and 
> rebuild the catalog for those tapes. My second choice is that the 
> machine with the old database on it is still on the network, but not 
> attached to the tapedrive directly, so conceivably I could just tell it 
> where the new storage daemon is and maybe have it interact with the tape 
> drive through the new storage daemon, to get the files. Would this work, 
> and would it be easier than using bscan?
> thanks,
> maira
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I snip all the thread with Arno.

Time ago, I've to do exactly the same. But doesn't need to recreate 
informations in catalog.
So I've use bscan to locate the file extracting the list to a file (without -m 
and -s ).
Iv'e use a text editor to extract the list of files I'm looking for.
And after that I've use bextract with the include file inside a temp directory.

Prerequist is that I knew where file reside (in which vol) and the volume name.

Perharps You could use directly bextract if you know what file you want...

Hope this could help you a bit.


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