Bruno Friedmann wrote:
> Maria McKinley wrote:
>>Hi there,
>>A while ago I moved bacula from one machine to another. I basically 
>>started from scratch, and didn't bother to move over the old database. 
>>Now, I need to retrieve a directory from tapes from the old database. I 
>>have two choices, and I am wondering which is easier. I know that the 
>>files are somewhere on a stack of four tapes, so I could bscan and 
>>rebuild the catalog for those tapes. My second choice is that the 
>>machine with the old database on it is still on the network, but not 
>>attached to the tapedrive directly, so conceivably I could just tell it 
>>where the new storage daemon is and maybe have it interact with the tape 
>>drive through the new storage daemon, to get the files. Would this work, 
>>and would it be easier than using bscan?
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> I snip all the thread with Arno.
> Time ago, I've to do exactly the same. But doesn't need to recreate 
> informations in catalog.
> So I've use bscan to locate the file extracting the list to a file (without 
> -m and -s ).
> Iv'e use a text editor to extract the list of files I'm looking for.
> And after that I've use bextract with the include file inside a temp 
> directory.
> Prerequist is that I knew where file reside (in which vol) and the volume 
> name.
> Perharps You could use directly bextract if you know what file you want...
> Hope this could help you a bit.

Thanks Bruno,

This does help, thanks. Although it was spelled out for me in the manual 
once I looked, I was confused about the relationship between the 
console, catalog, and the utility tools so miss-read what was there. And 
I was confusing long term issues of file vs. job info and recovery with 
my short term need for a file. But, I didn't really need to bring this 
volume back into the catalog. I knew what volume I needed, and I now 
have a list of files on that volume, and I'm in the process of 
recovering the files I need. If I need more files, I'll just look at the 
file list I created with bls, and do the same thing.


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