
21.08.2007 19:53,, Maria McKinley wrote::
> Hi there,
> A while ago I moved bacula from one machine to another. I basically 
> started from scratch, and didn't bother to move over the old database. 
> Now, I need to retrieve a directory from tapes from the old database. I 
> have two choices, and I am wondering which is easier. I know that the 
> files are somewhere on a stack of four tapes, so I could bscan and 
> rebuild the catalog for those tapes. My second choice is that the 
> machine with the old database on it is still on the network, but not 
> attached to the tapedrive directly, so conceivably I could just tell it 
> where the new storage daemon is and maybe have it interact with the tape 
> drive through the new storage daemon, to get the files. Would this work, 
> and would it be easier than using bscan?

My thoughts:
If I had time for some experiments, I'd use your second approach. This 
should work, it will be quicker than bscanning the tapes first, but as 
I haven't ever tried that I'm not sure how the SD will react in case 
two DIRs want to reserve devices (this should be working without 
complications, I think).

If I wanted the most reliable solution, I'd look up which tapes 
exactly are needed in the old DIR/catalog, and then bscan them into 
the new catalog before restoring (note that retention times can make 
this interesting: You bscan, the old jobs are added to the catalog, 
but then the old jobs, files or volumes are immediately pruned...)

If I needed the quickest restore possible, I'd prepare the restore job 
on the old system, then take the bootstrap file to the new one, add 
the tapes needed to its catalog, and run a restore using that 
bootstrap. I'm not absolutely sure this works without changing the 
bootstrap files a bit (minor problem) or without complete catalog 
entries for the tapes (the catalog shouldn't matter, once you've got 
the bootstrap file built, though).

If it doesn't really matter how fast you do the restore, I'd choose 
the one where I can learn most if things go wrong :-)


> thanks,
> maira
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Arno Lehmann
IT-Service Lehmann

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