
On 11/6/2006 8:26 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I hope this doesn't sound too dumb here:

Definitely not.

> I have a small Event videography business that uses almost exclusively
> windows XP pro and adobe or canopus tools.
> I am a longtime linux user (from before starting this business) and
> have had a few go arounds with bacula.  I was able to get it running
> at that time (about 1.5 yrs ago maybe) but ended up realizing I could
> do all I needed with rsync and rsnaphot.  My needs were not demanding
> and not critical.

Good starting point IMO - first determining what you need and then 
finding the simplest solution for that. Not always the way people work :-)

> I now have need of systematic backup of what can often be really huge
> video media files.  Often to the tune of 20+gb per file.  And of
> course numerous smaller files.
> 1 project while underway can have 80gb or more space tied up.  Not
> counting the OS in use or the applications involved.  And these are my
> beginner projects.  There may be several laying around on 4 250 GB
> drives spread across two machines. 
> So cutting to the chase:
> Is bacula a viable candidate for this job?  When I last used it, the
> windows part was not well developed.

Currently, the windows FD is running stable and reliable IMO.
Unfortunately, I have some problems with VSS backups (windows' name for 
volume snapshots) where files can't be accessed when I do a snapshot but 
can be accessed without VSS.

For backups of data files not in use during backup operations, this 
should not be a problem.

Apart from that I think the FD under windows is stable.

Short answer, without knowing all details about your backup needs: 
Bacula could be one backup solution for your needs.

> I've looked at some of the commercial choices but would prefer an open
> source solution.

Good choice ;-)

Anyway, what I'd suggest for you (keep in mind I would have to know more 
about your setup) would be to run backups either to disk - an external 
subsystem, configured as RAID5, from a reliable manufacturer - or use a 
tape autochanger. Your choice will depend on your available backup 
window, network throughput during backup time, storage device speed, and 
your needs regarding archival time, restore time, and ease of 


IT-Service Lehmann                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Arno Lehmann                  http://www.its-lehmann.de

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