Akim Demaille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> écrit:

> | Each distribution should give people all what is needed for maintenance,
> | or at least, good pointers to re-establish a full context of maintenance.
> | Installers, or even users, should not be considered as lesser people.

> That's precisely my point, and I consider that your suggestion:

>         | One big `acincludes.m4' for one package is exactly what a
>         | package needs.

> goes *against* this.  `acinclude.m4' is a product, it is not a source.

`configure.in' is also a product.  Yet, we do not distribute the full
Autoconf and Automake within each distribution.  What is needed for easy
maintenance is at least some good access to sufficient Autoconf (and
Automake) snapshots, turned into fetchable distributions (probably not CVS).

Let's make a distribution with all the `.m4' files.  I do not mind if it is
`libit', `Automake', or whatever.  But let's stop that developing trend
of repeating distributions within distributions, as a way to escape doing
the proper thing.

> Agreed, as long as it is automated, and logical.  I don't think gluing
> all the m4 files together in a big acinclude.m4 has any logic in it.

It has the same kind of logic that made `acgeneral.m4' and `acspecific.m4'
more manageable so far, than a lot of micro files holding one AC_DEFUN each.
Unless you feel like changing that as well? :-)

> AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(config) is the only answer.

It is the only answer to a problem declared inescapable.  We may put
that answer aside, at least as a way to force us into looking at the
problem again.  We lived a long time without AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR.

You can create a big rug, and put a lot of dirt under it.  It's dirt even
when well hidden under the rug.  Let's forget the rug for a few jiffies,
and try to see how things could be more clean.

> Nah, François, you know I wasn't meaning that.  OK, my example was
> more extreme than I meant.

Use more moderated examples, then.  It also makes the conversation easier.
I do not even feel like replying to hyperbolic arguments...

Enough said.  I should not let me into such discussions.  There are plenty
of people already for them, and in the long run, I have confidence in the
collective wisdom.  It's just that the cargo is much less manoeuvrable. :-)

                                        Keep happy, all!

François Pinard   http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~pinard

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