Proto-proposal: "Frank Voting" AI=2

[The new model in a nutshell: Offices -> Complexity -> Stamps -> Power Grabs -> Voting Strength

Voting Strength is still in the 3-6 range, and there is a universal basic income for Stamps. Uncommon Stamps are more valuable for Power Grabs.

The Assessor tracks Station as a new duty, but it only changes at month end and e no longer worries about Complexity. The Collector tracks fulfilled Power Grabs, but e mostly would anyway due to the fees.

It's intentional that a Power Grab of zero stamps can potentially enter the oligarchy, which gives players making them an incentive to fulfill them. Having those Power Grabs in the mix makes it harder to guess in advance what the winning bid levels will be.

Also, players can reveal/pay early -- they do not need to wait until the third week. They give out the information early, but if they know they won't be around they have that flexibility. Also, it's worth a reminder that a Plaintext can be its own Fingerprint, so if you're going to reveal a Power Grab right away you needn't bother with a hash function.]

Create a rule titled "The Oligarchy" with power 2 reading:

Station is a secured player switch with values High Oligarch, Middle Oligarch, Low Oligarch, and Commoner (default). Station is tracked by the Assessor in eir monthly report.

A player's voting strength for referenda on ordinary proposals is:

a) 6 if e is a High Oligarch
b) 5 if e is a Middle Oligarch
c) 4 if e is a Low Oligarch
d) 3 if e is a Commoner

[### This next line will be clearly distinguished from rule changes in the final version (I'll fix the whitespace after doing all the editing.)]
Set all Station switches to Commoner.

Create a rule titled "Climbing the Social Ladder" with power 2 reading:

A Power Grab consists of an unambiguous description of zero or more Stamps, specifying both their types and quantities. At all times a Power Grab is in exactly one of the following categories: pending, fulfilled, terminated. At the beginning of each month, all Power Grabs become terminated.

In the first two Eastman weeks of each month, a player may make a Power Grab by commitment, and when e does so that Power Grab becomes pending. However, e may not do so if e already has a pending Power Grab.

In the first two Eastman weeks of each month, a player may by announcement cause a specified pending Power Grab e made to become terminated (syn. "terminate" that Power Grab).

A pending Power Grab becomes fulfilled if, before the end of the third Eastman week of the month in which it was made, the player who made it: 1) publicly reveals the Plaintext corresponding to its Fingerprint; and 2) pays a fee equal to all the Stamps specified in that Power Grab; however, if a Power Grab specifies zero Stamps this fee is automatically considered paid.

The Influence of a type of Stamp equals the rational number 3/(N+2), where N is the total quantity of that Stamp specified in all fulfilled Power Grabs. The Influence of a fulfilled Power Grab is the sum of its constituent Stamps. For clarity, if a Power Grab includes a single Stamp type T times, then collectively the contribution of those Stamps to the Power Grab's Influence is T times the Influence of a single such Stamp. Also, a fulfilled Power Grab of zero stamps has zero Influence.

The Collector's monthly report, which e SHOULD publish in the fourth or fifth Eastman week each month, consists of fulfilled Power Grabs and their Influence.

The stronger of two fulfilled Power Grabs is the one with greater Influence, or if they have the same Influence the one that became fulfilled first.

At the end of each month, the Station of all players is set to Commoner, then following occur in order (where P is the number of fulfilled Power Grabs and floor(x) denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to x):

1. For each of the strongest floor(6*P/12) fulfilled Power Grabs, the Station of the player who made it is set to Low Oligarch 2. For each of the strongest floor(3*P/12) fulfilled Power Grabs, the Station of the player who made it is set to Middle Oligarch 3. For each of the strongest floor(P/12) fulfilled Power Grabs, the Station of the player who made it is set to High Oligarch

Amend rule 2632 (Complexity) by replacing:

      For each office a player holds, eir voting strength is increased
      by the complexity of the office for referenda on ordinary
      proposals, up to a maximum increase of 3 by this method.


The ADoP CAN, and in the first Eastman week of each month SHALL, Issue Payroll by, for each office, listing all players (if any) who held that office for a continuous period of at least 14 days in the previous Agoran month. When e does so, each player is granted a number of eir Stamps equal to:
a) one if Active at the beginning of the month, zero otherwise; plus
b) the total Complexity of all offices e is listed for when the ADoP Issued Payroll (zero if e is not listed for any office)

Hat: steampunk hat
Vitality: alive
Bang holdings: 1

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