On 9/3/24 17:40, Mischief via agora-discussion wrote:
> On 9/3/24 3:03 PM, Kiako via agora-discussion wrote:
>> On 9/3/24 7:28 AM, Mischief via agora-discussion wrote:
>>> however, if a Power Grab specifies zero Stamps this fee is 
>>> automatically considered paid.
>> Do fee-based actions not already consider 0-item fees trivially paid?
> Not explicitly as far as I could see. (There's "Attempts to transfer no 
> assets are successful." in R2577, though.) I think the only way it can 
> currently come up is if a stone's cost manages to decrease all the way 
> to zero. You'd still have to specify the stone, so it doesn't make a 
> difference even then.
> My hope was that players wouldn't have to mention a zero fee at all, 
> since it's easily overlooked and a silly reason to have someone's plans 
> fail.

We've gone through several iterations of this, and yes that is the
language (along with "Attempts to destroy no assets are successful")
that is meant to make it work.

Janet Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor

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