I don't think that the tragedy of the commons necessarily applies, although I might be too influenced by Blognomic. Because there is zero mechanical reward for doing the equivalent of the "reportor" job there and people just sort of go at it on their own accord, which inspired my suggestion.
I think people are just self-motivated to immortalize their dynasties (when they are Emperor) or their victories (when they win a dynasty) or just dynasties that they particularly enjoyed or want to honor for some reason and they wanted it to be remembered and appreciated for a long time, which is arguably on a way higher level of value than just mechanical wealth. It might be pretty cultural, though. In Blognomic, the strata of the gamestate and this academic meta-content is very separate, there are no titles, rewards or anything for doing public good, just the evidence you leave behind for actually doing it. On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 5:53 PM nch via agora-discussion < agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote: > On Tuesday, May 12, 2020 10:35:07 AM CDT Cuddle Beam via agora-discussion > wrote: > > How would you guys feel about "decentralizing" the Reportor role? > > > > Instead of having one person do it, maybe make it so that every month or > > two or so there is a sort of bounty for publishing a report - with the > > availability to have multiple different people submit a report for the > same > > period because not everyone is going to be coordinated for something like > > this. > > > > To further encourage people publishing several reports over time, maybe > > make it so that you get a small reward for publishing each report, but > then > > a big one after publishing 5, for example. > > The reason I wanted this to be an office is because I think that anything > that > doesn't assign a responsible party is likely to fall to the tragedy of the > commons. No one responsible, no one does it. > > I could see a monetary incentive fixing that IF we make the money > worthwhile. > Right now it's not. So we might need to fix that first before trying a > system > like this. > > > >