On 5/8/2020 9:13 AM, nch wrote:
> On Friday, May 8, 2020 11:01:07 AM CDT Rebecca wrote:
>>> I have never once got any value out of any form of the newspapers (well
>> except the ones I intentionally published with no text to get paid lol),
>> mainly because it's actually a lot easier to catch up on the game by
>> reading emails than by reading someone's incomplete summary of those emails.
> I find them very useful when doing reading in the archives. If I'm trying to 
> find an event it's easier to look through a few summaries to narrow down the 
> timeframe.

I enjoy reading them when they appear, I'm mixed on their usefulness -
Murphy's old AWG http://zenith.homelinux.net/awj.php is invaluable for
historical research as it's one of the only ways to apply a single search
term to 10 years of history.  But that depends on a historical commitment
on par with the CotC or Rules annotations, along with some expectation
that the record is complete and not "whatever the reporter felt was
particularly notable when the reporter got around to it."

To do that, the rule could use some sharper focus.  For example, if it
mandated that the contents include all Heraldry news (details of win
conditions, thesis award dates, odd one-off titles, etc. in more detail
than appears in the Scroll) it would fill a much-needed gap (researching
past patent title events is not easy).  There may be other kinds of events
we're not archiving well but that one springs to mind.

On the technical side, if the expectation is a fallow office that it is
only occasionally filled, actually say that in the Rule (and perhaps
create a new mechanism to try out if we want to try other reports that
way), instead of just saying "weekly report" and relying on a tacit
understanding that we don't punish for missing reports.


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