Ah, it's not responsibility, really? There isn't much sense of
responsibility at all concerning it, actually. I haven't seen anyone ever
go "oh hey, you should go and record *your* dynasty you know?". People
just... do it. Because they want to. There is no view that the Emperor or
victor *should* fill it in, it's just somewhat common that they do, within
the chaos and random edits and contributions.

For example, on my latest dynasty:
, I did quite a bit (I drew the monsters the players incarnated and added
some text) but there was never any centralized, coordinated effort to fill
it in. People just added whatever they felt like adding, often small bits
at a time, as evidenced by the edits by the total 5 players that have
contributed to it.

So, it's not a job to do it. It's more like an honor to, I feel. Dynastic
commentary is particularly popular for this reason, I believe.

On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 8:08 PM nch via agora-discussion <
agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> On Tuesday, May 12, 2020 11:07:03 AM CDT you wrote:
> > I don't think that the tragedy of the commons necessarily applies,
> although
> > I might be too influenced by Blognomic. Because there is zero mechanical
> > reward for doing the equivalent of the "reportor" job there and people
> just
> > sort of go at it on their own accord, which inspired my suggestion.
> >
> >
> > I think people are just self-motivated to immortalize their dynasties
> (when
> > they are Emperor) or their victories (when they win a dynasty) or just
> > dynasties that they particularly enjoyed or want to honor for some reason
> > and they wanted it to be remembered and appreciated for a long time,
> which
> > is arguably on a way higher level of value than just mechanical wealth.
> >
> If there's already a standing tradition of "you record the your dynasty"
> then
> it isn't a tragedy of the commons situation. There's someone that,
> culturally,
> is responsible. It's just not a rule that they're responsible. Unless I'm
> misunderstanding how Blognomic does it.

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