No, you're getting the formula wrong. Rule 879 says that "If no other
rule defines the quorum of an Agoran Decision, the quorum for that
decision is equal to 2/3 of the number of voters on the Agoran
Decision to adopt a proposal that had been most recently resolved at
the time of that decision's initiation, the whole rounded to the
nearest integer (breaking ties upward)." 6.66 rounded to the nearest
integer is 7. 7.333 rounded to the nearest integer is also 7.

The only situation where something gets rounded up is if there's a tie
(so, like at 6.5). Ties are impossible when you're multiplying by 2/3;
I guess I wasn't thinking very clearly when I wrote the proposal to
change the quorum default. :)


On Sat, Jun 22, 2019 at 7:15 PM Jason Cobb <> wrote:
> Why wouldn't the quorum change? The highest numbered proposal in the
> purported resolution had 10 voters.  With Telnaior, it would go to 11.
> By Rule 879, quorum is ceil(2/3*(# voters on last resolved decision to
> adopt a proposal)). 10*2/3=6.666..., which goes to 7. With Telnaior,
> 11*2/3=7.333..., which goes to 8.
> Am I making a wrong assumption about which proposal resolution counts as
> the most recent?
> Jason Cobb
> On 6/22/19 10:07 PM, Aris Merchant wrote:
> > On Sat, Jun 22, 2019 at 7:02 PM Jason Cobb <> wrote:
> >> Quorum might be wrong, given this CoE on the Assessor report by G (in a
> >> reply to the thread):
> > Thanks for pointing that out; you're right that I didn't notice. On
> > this occasion, quorum is unchanged due to the way the rounding works
> > out.
> >
> >>> CoE:  This leaves out my votes on Telnaior's behalf, which change the
> >>> outcome of at least one proposal I think (8184).
> >>
> >> Also, what exactly is your "standard reward policy"?
> > A small reward of coins and my sincere gratitude.
> >
> > -Aris
> >> On 6/22/19 9:41 PM, Aris Merchant wrote:
> >>> Here's a draft of my Promotor report. My standard reward policy for
> >>> catching errors is in effect.
> >>>
> >>> -Aris
> >>>
> >>> ---
> >>> I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
> >>> Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
> >>> pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
> >>> quorum is 7, the voting method is AI-majority, and the valid
> >>> options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
> >>> conditional votes).
> >>>
> >>> ID    Author(s)             AI    Title
> >>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>> 8188  G.                    3.0   Blanket Denial
> >>> 8189  Jason Cobb            1.7   Rule 2479 Cleanup (v1.2)
> >>> 8190  G., D Margaux         2.0   Report Rewards
> >>> 8191  R. Lee                1.1   Spaceships
> >>> 8192  G.                    1.0   auctions have fees
> >>>
> >>> The proposal pool is currently empty.
> >>>
> >>> The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below.
> >>>
> >>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> >>> ID: 8188
> >>> Title: Blanket Denial
> >>> Adoption index: 3.0
> >>> Author: G.
> >>> Co-authors:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Amend Rule 2201 (Self-Ratification) by replacing:
> >>>     do one of the following in a timely fashion:
> >>> with
> >>>     do one of the following in a timely fashion, in an announcement
> >>>     that clearly cites the claim of error:
> >>>
> >>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> >>> ID: 8189
> >>> Title: Rule 2479 Cleanup (v1.2)
> >>> Adoption index: 1.7
> >>> Author: Jason Cobb
> >>> Co-authors:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Amend Rule 2479 ("Official Justice") as follows:
> >>>
> >>> Replace the text
> >>>
> >>>>    The Referee CAN, subject to the provisions of this rule, impose
> >>>>    Summary Judgment on a person who plays the game by levying a fine
> >>>>    of up to 2 blots on em. Summary Judgement is imposed on the
> >>>>    Referee's own initiative, and not in response to any official
> >>>>    proceeding.
> >>> with the text
> >>>
> >>>>    Subject to the provisions of this rule, the Referee CAN, by 
> >>>> announcement,
> >>>>    impose Summary Judgment on a player. When e does so, e levies a fine 
> >>>> of
> >>>>    up to 2 Blots on em. If e does not specify the number of Blots in the 
> >>>> fine,
> >>>>    the attempt to impose Summary Judgment is INEFFECTIVE. Summary 
> >>>> Judgement is
> >>>>    imposed on the Referee's own initiative, and not in response to any 
> >>>> official
> >>>      proceeding.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> >>> ID: 8190
> >>> Title: Report Rewards
> >>> Adoption index: 2.0
> >>> Author: G.
> >>> Co-authors: D Margaux
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Amend Rule 1006 (Offices) by prepending the following text to the 1st
> >>> paragraph:
> >>>     An Office is a position described as an Office by the Rules.
> >>>
> >>> Amend Rule 2496 (Rewards) by replacing:
> >>>     * Publishing a duty-fulfilling report: 5 coins. For each office,
> >>>       this reward can only be claimed for the first weekly report
> >>>       published in a week and the first monthly report published in a
> >>>       month.
> >>> with:
> >>>     * Publishing an office's weekly or monthly report, provided that
> >>>       publication was the first report published for that office in
> >>>       the relevant time period (week or month respectively) to fulfill
> >>>       an official weekly or monthly duty: 5 coins.
> >>>
> >>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> >>> ID: 8191
> >>> Title: Spaceships
> >>> Adoption index: 1.1
> >>> Author: R. Lee
> >>> Co-authors:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Create a spaceship in the possession of each player without a
> >>> spaceship
> >>>
> >>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> >>> ID: 8192
> >>> Title: auctions have fees
> >>> Adoption index: 1.0
> >>> Author: G.
> >>> Co-authors:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> [The payment rule for auctions just says that if you happen to have an
> >>> auction debt, if you pay Agora under any circumstances, it triggers
> >>> stuff.  This means, if someone happens to have two auction debts, they
> >>> can make one payment and it would count for both.  This brings things
> >>> into line.]
> >>>
> >>> Amend Rule 2551 (Auction End) by replacing:
> >>>     The winner of a lot SHALL pay the Auctioneer the number of the
> >>>     Auction's currency equal to eir bid, in a single payment, in a
> >>>     timely fashion.
> >>> with:
> >>>     The winner of the lot SHALL, in a timely fashion, pay a fee (the
> >>>     number of the Auction's currency equal to eir bid) to the
> >>>     Auctioneer in order to satisfy eir auction debt.
> >>>
> >>> [This makes "satisfying eir auction debt" a fee-based action governed
> >>> under R2579, which didn't exist when the auction rules were written.
> >>> R2579 then takes care of the various CANs and method details.  The
> >>> transfer of the lots is then a consequence of "satisfying eir auction
> >>> debt"].
> >>>
> >>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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