On Sun, 6 May 2018, Corona wrote:

Land Unit A is said to be connected to Land Unit B if it is possible to
reach B by moving only to adjacent Land Units of the same Land Type,
starting from A.

Change "to" to "via", otherwise this does not allow you to go the last step to B if it's not the same type as A.

A set Land Units is said to be a Subgroup if all of these Land Units have
same Land Type are connected to each other.

A Subgroup is said to be a Group if no set exists such that:
1) Its elements are all Land Units of that Subgroup and at least one Land
not an element of that Subgroup.
2) It is a Subgroup.

[Group = a group of stones in Go]

Way less complicated:

"The Group of a Land Unit is the set consisting of it and all other Land Units of its Land Type that are connected to it."

    1. Every Land Unit, with a preservation switch of False that is not
        directly connected to a unit of Aether, or is not connected by its
own type
        to a unit of Aether, shall be transformed to Aether.

I don't particularly like that first comma, but might want one before "that is not".

        For every Land Unit that has its type changed to Aether by this
        the player who most recently changed the Land Type of any Land
Unit such
        that it is an element of the Full Group of the transformed Land
Unit or
        adjacent to any of the Land Units of the Full Group of the
transformed Land
        Unit, among the players who aren't Cartographor, receives 3 coins
and 2

There are still some "Full" left in there.

It doesn't quite feel in the spirit of Go to reward someone for changing a Land Type in such a way that that Land Unit itself becomes aetherized. Although I can see that unless it was heavily punished instead, it might (through collusion or the like) still end up being a rational move in this game.


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