On second thought, I'll change the reward to 3 coins, 3 apples/Land Unit,
as you can expend a lot of apples trying to capture even a single Land
Unit. Or maybe give a bonus for facilities destroyed (40% of total cost)?


On Sat, May 5, 2018 at 10:09 AM, Corona <liliumalbum.ag...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Well, nobody plays Go on Arcadia, preferring ease of movement instead.
> Boring!
> I create the proposal "go, Go!" with the following text; text enclosed in
> square brackets is not part of the proposal:
> [This proposal implements a 2 coin, 1 apple reward for each captured stone,
> possibly livening up the board]
> Amend the rule 1998 "Land Topology" to read in full:
> Two Units of Land are Adjacent if they have the same Latitude, and their
> Longitudes differ by exactly one; or they have the same Longitude, and
> their Latitudes differ by exactly one.
> Land Unit A is said to be connected to Land Unit B if it is possible to
> reach B by moving only to adjacent Land Units of the same Land Type,
> starting from A.
> [Here I changed color to Land Type, as color is not defined. So far, it
> didn't break anything, as no LUs were to be changed into Aether]
> A set Land Units is said to be a Group if all of these Land Units have the
> same Land Type are connected to each other and have the same Land Type.
> A Group is said to be a Full Group if no set exists such that:
> 1) Its elements are all Land Units of that Group and at least one Land Unit
> not an element of that Group.
> 2) It is a Group.
> [Full Group = a group of stones in Go]
> Amend the rule 2022 "Land Transfiguration" so that the first item in the
> list reads, in full:
> 1. Every Land Unit, with a preservation switch of False that is not
> directly connected to a unit of Aether, or is not connected by its own type
> to a unit of Aether, shall be transformed to Aether.
> For every Land Unit that has its type changed to Aether by this procedure,
> the player who most recently changed the Land Type of any Land Unit such
> that it is an element of the Full Group of the transformed Land Unit or
> adjacent to any of the Land Units of the Full Group of the transformed Land
> Unit, among the players who aren't Cartographor, receives 2 coins and 1
> apple.
> [Cartographor can time the transfiguration however e wants, it wouldn't be
> fair for em to get a reward for capturing. Alternatively, we could make it
> so that the transfiguration happens automatically and e just announces the
> results]
> ~Corona

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