Comments inline

On Sat, May 5, 2018, 02:09 Corona <> wrote:

> Well, nobody plays Go on Arcadia, preferring ease of movement instead.
> Boring!
> I create the proposal "go, Go!" with the following text; text enclosed in
> square brackets is not part of the proposal:
> [This proposal implements a 2 coin, 1 apple reward for each captured stone,
> possibly livening up the board]
> Amend the rule 1998 "Land Topology" to read in full:
> Two Units of Land are Adjacent if they have the same Latitude, and their
> Longitudes differ by exactly one; or they have the same Longitude, and
> their Latitudes differ by exactly one.
> Land Unit A is said to be connected to Land Unit B if it is possible to
> reach B by moving only to adjacent Land Units of the same Land Type,
> starting from A.
> [Here I changed color to Land Type, as color is not defined. So far, it
> didn't break anything, as no LUs were to be changed into Aether]

Yay! Another thing I broke!

A set Land Units is said to be a Group if all of these Land Units have the
> same Land Type are connected to each other and have the same Land Type.

Stop being redundant and repeating yourself. "Are connected to each other"
would suffice, no? If you want to stop keep that part anyway, please delete
one of them.

A Group is said to be a Full Group if no set exists such that:
> 1) Its elements are all Land Units of that Group and at least one Land Unit
> not an element of that Group.
> 2) It is a Group.

Can you clarify what you mean with this? I'm not sure if I understand fully.

[Full Group = a group of stones in Go]
> Amend the rule 2022 "Land Transfiguration" so that the first item in the
> list reads, in full:
> 1. Every Land Unit, with a preservation switch of False that is not
> directly connected to a unit of Aether, or is not connected by its own type
> to a unit of Aether, shall be transformed to Aether.
> For every Land Unit that has its type changed to Aether by this procedure,
> the player who most recently changed the Land Type of any Land Unit such
> that it is an element of the Full Group of the transformed Land Unit or
> adjacent to any of the Land Units of the Full Group of the transformed Land
> Unit, among the players who aren't Cartographor, receives 2 coins and 1
> apple.
> [Cartographor can time the transfiguration however e wants, it wouldn't be
> fair for em to get a reward for capturing. Alternatively, we could make it
> so that the transfiguration happens automatically and e just announces the
> results]

Actually, the way it's written, it takes place at the very beginning of the
second Eastman week so I can't rig it. I'm just supposed to report it.


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