> Amend Rule 2166, "Assets", by inserting the paragraph
> "To spend an asset is to pay or destroy it for the purpose of doing some
> other
> action or fulfilling an obligation; if the action would not be completed,
> the
> obligation would not be at least partially fulfilled, or more of the asset
> would be spent than is needed to perform the action/fulfill the obligation,
> then the attempt to spend fails. Whether the asset must be spent or payed
> is determined by what is needed to perform the action. If the entity
> defining
> or enabling the action oes not specify which is necessary, but merely that
> the asset must be spent, then the asset is destroyed if it is destructible
> and
> payed (to Agora unless otherwise specified) if it is indestructible."
> after the paragraph beginning "An asset generally CAN be transferred..."
> Amend Rule 2500, "Action Points", by changing it to read in full:
> Action Points (AP) are a fixed destructible untracked currency. At the
> beginning of each Agoran Week, a number of Action Points is created in the
> possession of each player such that e has 2 Action Points. It is IMPOSSIBLE
> for Action Points to be gained in any other way.
Two points:
- Make it a full mechanism, e.g. "to spend something, you announce what you're
trying to purchase and indicate that it has a cost [option, do you have to
the exact cost or not]." Then we can get rid a lot of the "spend by
clauses because 'by announcement' will be captured in the 'spend' definition,
the definition says what facts you have to supply in the announcement.
- I think it's a bit confusing and unneeded to allow the "transfer or destroy"
to both be "spend". How about defining "spend" as transfer only and then
wording AP like this:
"At the beginning of each week, all AP are destroyed, and 2 are created in the
possession of each player". This means all spends can be transfers, and the
AP that go to Agora are destroyed each week. [also, don't know if it's
by bug or feature, but your version unused AP accumulate from week to week].
(Oh, also add that 2 AP are created in a player's possession when e registers).
This would make the definition itself much much simpler, though the AP rule
would be a little longer.