Would you object if I pended this for you?


On Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 1:12 PM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
> I submit the following Proposal, AI-1, "Such is Karma", co-author 天火狐:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Create the following Rule, 'Such is Karma', Power-1:
>        Karma is a person switch tracked by the Herald in eir Weekly
>        Report.  Karma is an Integer switch.  The Community Chest also
>        has an instance of the Karma switch.
>        A player CAN publish a Notice of Honour.  For a Notice of Honour
>        to be valid, it must:
>             1.  Be clear that it is a Notice of Honour, and be the
>                 first valid Notice of Honour that player has published
>                 in the current week;
>             2.  Specify any other player to gain karma, and provide a
>                 reason for specifying that player; and
>             3.  Specify any player to lose karma, and provide a reason
>                 for specifying that player.
>        When a valid Notice of Honour is published, the player specified
>        to gain karma has eir karma increased by one, and the player
>        specified to lose karma has eir karma decreased by one. Raising
>        one entity's karma while lowering another's in this manner is
>        considered to be a "transfer" of karma.
>        A player's positions in Court are defined as follows:
>             - Any player with a karma of 7 or greater is a Samurai.
>             - Any player with a karma of -7 or less is an Eta.
>             - The player with the highest karma (if any) is the Shogun.
>             - The player with the lowest karma (if any) is the
>               Honourless Worm.
>        Each player's positions in Court are part of of the Herald's
>        Weekly Report.
> Create the following Rule, 'Karmic Balance', power-1:
>        In a timely fashion after the beginning of each Quarter, the
>        Herald CAN and SHALL by announcement, perform the following
>        tasks in order:
>              1.  Halve (rounding towards 0) the karma of every non-
>                  player.
>              2.  Set the Karma of the Community Chest such that the sum
>                  of all Karma switch instance values in the game is
>                  equal to 0.
>        While the Karma of the Community Chest is not equal to 0, the
>        Herald CAN and SHALL publish a Notice of Honour specifying the
>        Community Chest as a gainer or loser in place of a player; to
>        be valid, it must be specified such that the result would move
>        the Karma of the Community Chest closer to 0.  For selection
>        players in such transactions, the Herald SHOULD use standards
>        of behavior and game balance befitting the spirit of the game.
> [Note:  since only one Notice of Honour per player per week, the
> Herald's requirement to tap the Community Chest takes place of eir
> voluntary Notice of Honour - the Herald doesn't get to do both in
> a week].
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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