So, basically, karma is a kind of informal punishment/reward system based on 
transfers that anybody can access and change without objection? Depending on 
how much this is used for in the future, I can see way too many instances where 
this is exploited purely to attack one or more people. You could make the 
argument that everyone who sees such behavior will, as an instinctive reaction, 
try to lower the karma of the attacker(s), but this is assuming that everyone 
will always make the moral choice, which isn't true. If the majority of players 
are convinced to attack someone then there will not be enough people to punish 
the full attacking group. Giving karma to someone could also be exploited in 
similar ways.
I'm not saying anyone in this community *would* do this, but it is possible, 
which is why I'm tentative to endorse this proposal.

-- Reuben Staley

    On Sunday, September 24, 2017, 3:55:10 PM MDT, Aris Merchant 
<> wrote:  
 I pend "Such is Karma v2" for 1 AP.


On Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 2:05 PM, Kerim Aydin <> wrote:
> I withdraw my previous proposal, "Such is Karma".
> I submit the following Proposal, AI-1, "Such is Karma v2", co-author 天火狐:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Create the following Rule, 'Such is Karma', Power-1:
>        Karma is a person switch tracked by the Herald in eir Weekly
>        Report.  Karma is an Integer switch.  The Community Chest also
>        has an instance of the Karma switch.
>        A player CAN publish a Notice of Honour.  For a Notice of Honour
>        to be valid, it must:
>              1.  Be clear that it is a Notice of Honour, and be the
>                  first valid Notice of Honour that player has published
>                  in the current week;
>              2.  Specify any other player to gain karma, and provide a
>                  reason for specifying that player; and
>              3.  Specify any player to lose karma, and provide a reason
>                  for specifying that player.
>        When a valid Notice of Honour is published, the player specified
>        to gain karma has eir karma increased by one, and the player
>        specified to lose karma has eir karma decreased by one. Raising
>        one entity's karma while lowering another's in this manner is
>        considered to be a "transfer" of karma.
>        A player's positions in Court are defined as follows:
>              - Any player with a karma of 7 or greater is a Samurai.
>              - Any player with a karma of -7 or less is an Eta.
>              - The player with the highest karma (if any) is the Shogun.
>              - The player with the lowest karma (if any) is the
>                Honourless Worm.
>        Each player's positions in Court are part of of the Herald's
>        Weekly Report.
> Create the following Rule, 'Karmic Balance', power-1:
>        In a timely fashion after the beginning of each Quarter, the
>        Herald CAN and SHALL by announcement, perform the following
>        tasks in order:
>              1.  Halve (rounding towards 0) the Karma of every
>                  Unregistered person.
>              2.  Set the Karma of the Community Chest such that the sum
>                  of all Karma switch instance values in the game is
>                  equal to 0.
>        While the Karma of the Community Chest is not equal to 0, the
>        Herald CAN and SHALL publish a Notice of Honour specifying the
>        Community Chest as a gainer or loser in place of a player; to
>        be valid, it must be specified such that the result would move
>        the Karma of the Community Chest closer to 0.  For selection
>        players in such transactions, the Herald SHOULD use standards
>        of behavior and game balance befitting the spirit of the game.
> [Note:  since only one Notice of Honour per player per week, the
> Herald's requirement to tap the Community Chest takes place of eir
> voluntary Notice of Honour - the Herald doesn't get to do both in
> a week].
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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