<<<(V.J. Rada mentioned «the CFJ re
<<<the ratification "scam"» but I'm not clear on what e's talking about;
<<<anyone know what's going on there?)

That's Murphy's that you listed above, you're all good.

On Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 11:50 AM, Alex Smith <ais...@alumni.bham.ac.uk> wrote:
> It looks like the recent lull in activity has caused a few CFJs to go
> unjudged for a while. (One of them was mine *oops*; I've judged it
> now.)
> CFJs that are definitely overdue:
> by Quazie: 3542 (and 3550 but that has special circumstances)
> by Murphy: 3548
> by omd:    3547, 3553
> CFJs for which the status is more complicated (and I could do with a
> summary of the current status for anyone who's aware of it):
> by Quazie: 3529
> by o:      3537
> I'd appreciate anyone letting me know if there are any corrections to
> the above list, or any CFJs that have been called but not yet assigned,
> as I'm a rather error-prone Arbitor. (V.J. Rada mentioned «the CFJ re
> the ratification "scam"» but I'm not clear on what e's talking about;
> anyone know what's going on there?)
> If the judges of these overdue CFJs don't show up soon, I'll find new
> judges for them a few days from now.
> --
> ais523
> Arbitor

>From V.J Rada

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