On Sun, 2017-07-02 at 21:27 +0200, Cuddle Beam wrote:
> "A player SHOULD perform an action as an assisted action only if that
> player is new to Agora (and thus has not yet had much of a chance to
> earn shinies), or if that action has only trivial consequences, or if
> that action is intended to be beneficial to Agora as a whole."
> I'm wary of codified ethics.
> I fear this can spring all kinds of drama (what is "new"? what is
> "trivial"? Is this trivial enough? How about that? But HE said that
> THIS was trivial, then MY thing should be trivial, right? right?,
> etc). I'd much prefer a more formal restriction. For example, "new"
> is defined as being less than X days old.

It's a SHOULD, not a SHALL (and included mostly to give people
guideline on when to support). You can violate it so long as you have a
reason. (Doesn't even have to be a good reason, really; "I know I'm
only supposed to do this if I'm new but I really want to" is enough of
a reason to violate the SHOULD. It's just that you perhaps shouldn't
expect people to support you if you do this.)

> If you can make the neologisms like "socially pended" and the
> mechanics themselves be more intuitive, all the better. It's not very
> gameplay ergonomic right now. (the AP stuff an all was so smooth and
> simple to grasp, because its was so similar to videogames. All of
> this support stuff and the times stuff and all gets obscure and a
> chore to interpret and it seems hard to use because of the times and
> the need to summon help plus needing to have it conform to that
> codified ethics. Too many things to check and arrange. Not as
> elegant).

I think the AP stuff was economically problematic as given as there'd
very rarely be a need to spend shinies. How often does a typical player
do three proposals/CFJs in a week? The answer is "not often", and all
those players would just hoard Shinies as they have no reason to spend

Worth noting: I didn't put Stamps in this proposal as I consider those
to be something separate.


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