If you increase AP to 5 per week, I will pend it.
Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

> On Jun 30, 2017, at 6:46 AM, Nic Evans <nich...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Oops, I forgot to change everyone's balance.
> Also if there's no substantial problems noticed, I'd really appreciate
> having this pended before the next proposal pool (I don't have any
> shinies).
> I withdraw Economics Overhaul.
> I submit the following proposal:
> ---------------------------------
> Title: Economics Overhaul v2
> AI: 2.0
> Author: nichdel
> Co-authors: o, grok, Aris
> Repeal R2484 "Payday".
> Amend the rule titled "Assets" by, after the paragraph that starts with
> "An asset generally CAN be transferred", adding:
>   When a rule indicates transfering an amount that is not a natural
>   number, the specified amount is rounded up to the nearest natural
>   number.
> And by, after the paragraph that starts "The "x balance of an entity"",
> adding:
>   When a player causes one or more balances to change, e is ENCOURAGED
>   to specify the resulting balance(s). Players SHOULD NOT specify
>   inaccurate balances.
> {Just intended to make balance tracking easier inbetween Secretary
> reports}
> Enact a Power 1 rule titled "Rewards" with the following text:
>   A Reward is a specified amount of shinies associated with a Reward
>   Condition. For each time a player meets a Reward Condition, e MAY
>   claim the specified award exactly once within 24 hours of meeting the
>   Reward Condition.
>   When a player 'claims' a Reward, Agora transfers the specified number
>   of shinies to the player.
>   Below is an exhaustive list of Reward Conditions and eir rewards:
>      * The following two only apply to proposals that were pended via
>      spending shinies:
>         - Being the author of an adopted proposal: 1/40th the current
>         Floating Value.
>         - Being the pender of an adopted proposal: 1/40th the current
>         Floating Value.
>      * Judging a CFJ, that was created via spending shinies, that e was
>      assigned to: 1/20th the current Floating Value.
>      * Publishing a duty-fulfilling report: 5 shinies.
>      * Resolving an Agoran Decision for the first time this week: 5
>      shinies.
> Enact a Power 1 rule titled "Floating Value" with the following text:
>   Floating Value is a natural switch. When e publishes eir Weekly
>   Report, the Secretary SHALL flip the Floating Value to Agora's shiny
>   balance.
> Set every players's shiny balance to 0.
> Set Agora's shiny balance to 1000.
> Set the Floating Value to 200.
> Enact a Power 1 rule titled "Economic Wins" with the following text:
>   Stamps are an asset, identified by eir creator and tracked by the
>   Secretary.
>   The Stamp Value is always 1/5th the current Floating Value.
>   Once per month, a player MAY, by announcement, transfer to Agora the
>   Stamp Value, in shinies, to create a Stamp.
>   Players MAY, by announcement, destroy a Stamp and cause Agora to
>   transfer the Stamp Value, in shinies, to em.
>   While a player has Stamps made by at least 10 different players e MAY
>   destroy 10 stamps made by 10 different players by announcement to win
>   the game.
> Enact a Power 1 rule titled "Welcome Packages" with the following text:
>   If a player has not received a Welcome Package since e most recently
>   registered, any player MAY cause em to receive one by announcement.
>   When a player receives a Welcome Package, Agora transfers 50 shinies
>   to em.
> Enact a Power 1 rule titled "Action Points" with the following text:
>   At the beginning of every Agoran Week, every player has 2 Action
>   Points. When a player 'spends' an Action Point, e has one less
>   Action Point. If a player has 0 Action Points, e may not spend any
>   more Action Points, rules to the contrary notwithstanding.
> Amend R2445 "How to Pend a Proposal" to read, in full:
>   Imminence is a switch, tracked by the Promotor, possessed by
>   proposals in the Proposal Pool, whose value is either "pending" or
>   "not pending" (default).
>   Any player CAN flip a specified proposal's imminence to "pending" by
>   announcement by:
>      a) spending 1 Action Point, OR
>      b) spending 1/20th the Floating Value in shinies.
> Amend R991 "Calls for Judgment" by replacing the first paragaraph with
> the following:
>   Any person (the initiator) can initiate a Call for Judgement (CFJ,
>   syn. Judicial Case), specifying a statement to be inquired into:
>      a) by announcement, and spending 1 Action Point, OR
>      b) by announcement, and spending 1/20th the Floating Value in
>      shinies, OR
>      c) by announcement if e is not a player.
>   When a person initiates a Call for Judgment, e may optionally bar one
>   person from the case.

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