On Tue, 27 Jun 2017, Alex Smith wrote: > On Sat, 2017-06-10 at 13:48 -0700, Kerim Aydin wrote: > > First, CuddleBeam clearly delivered a judgement in 3509, then filed a > > Motion to Reconsider it. That first part worked fine. > > Can someone point me to the Motion to Reconsider? Looking back through > the lists, I've found two attempts to resolve one and no intent. > Obviously, if the CFJ wasn't Reconsidered, I can't reassign it.
Ok, re-reading everything I can find, I agree, there's nothing I can find actually worded as an Intent (and CuddleBeam supported a supposed intent but didn't actually file). I must have misread something when I posted the above. Sorry about the confusion. > (Sorry for not catching up on this earlier. I've been short on time, > especially for Agora, and handling tardy judges and > recusals/reassignments/reconsiderations is much more timeconsuming than > the initial assignment, in addition to not currently having a rules- > mandated deadline, so I keep postponing it.) I intended to do a weekly update to the archives including a "these judgements are late" informational post, but I, too, have fallen behind in the time- consuming stuff these past couple weeks. Sorry.