Apologies for the triple-post, but CB could have just expressed disinterest
in the darn thing.

On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 1:01 PM, V.J Rada <vijar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This message is just for the convenience of those not caught up, as I
> was not.
> Oh dear God just read the full mess. CB (this is a valid nickname, don't
> even think about it) submitted a message *pledging* not to submit
> judgement. Gaelan then attempted to ratify a document stating that 3509
> was judgeless, which was objected to by o. The player also known as
> CuddleBeam who I shall now refer to as UberJeff submitted a clearly
> incorrect Judgement of DISMISS, based on the fact that he couldn't be
> bothered to read the rules. Your message states that UberJeff moved for
> reconsideration, but actually Publius moved for it, which UberJeff
> supported. UberJeff then went back to eir original stance of not submitting
> one.
> It is clear that UberJeff broke eir pledge not to judge the judgement.
> It is also clear that, as UberJeff emself admits, their original judgement
> is
> clearly wrong. UberJeff should be carded, the initial judgement should be
> counted as authoritative, weshould moot that judgement and give the CFJ
> to a different judge.
> On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 12:41 PM, V.J Rada <vijar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Is it legal to move for you to reconsider your own judgement and then not
>> judge it? I feel like this should be counted as a refusal to reconsider and
>> we should thus count the original judgement (and Moot it if necessary).
>> On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 5:47 AM, CuddleBeam <cuddleb...@googlemail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I'm not going to give Judgement on that, because while I am honestly
>>> able to give Judgement (and would Judge TRUE, because I agree with Gaelan),
>>> I won't engage in tit for tat and cards for cards because I believe it's
>>> wrong, even if our Justice system commands me to.

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