Wooble wrote: > On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 10:43 AM, Ed Murphy <emurph...@socal.rr.com> wrote: >> Self-ratification goes back at least as far as Rule 352: >> >> http://agora.qoid.us/rule/352 >> >> Not less than once a week, the Speaker shall post the current >> scores of all Players to the mailing lists, making his best >> efforts to determine the correct scores. If a Player feels the >> posted scores are incorrect, he may make a Call for Judgement, >> stating what he believes to be the correct scores. If the >> resulting Judgement is TRUE, the scores stated in the Call for >> Judgement become the official scores of all Players. Otherwise, >> the scores posted by the Speaker become the official scores of >> all Players. If no Call for Judgement is made during the week >> following a posting of scores by the Speaker, the posted scores >> become official, that is, each Player's score is changed, if >> necessary, to the amount posted by the Speaker. > > Wouldn't that revert everyone's scores to the value they had a week ago?
I don't know, I wasn't around that early; I found this a while back when I was browsing through c.'s rule-history archive. Absent context, it could be interpreted either literally (as you describe) or following the presumed spirit (scores become what they would have been if the posted scores were correct at the time in question, or alternatively scores at the time in question are retroactively changed - which could be deemed to work if there's no anti-retroactivity clause blocking it).