On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 10:43 AM, Ed Murphy <emurph...@socal.rr.com> wrote: > Self-ratification goes back at least as far as Rule 352: > > http://agora.qoid.us/rule/352 > > Not less than once a week, the Speaker shall post the current > scores of all Players to the mailing lists, making his best > efforts to determine the correct scores. If a Player feels the > posted scores are incorrect, he may make a Call for Judgement, > stating what he believes to be the correct scores. If the > resulting Judgement is TRUE, the scores stated in the Call for > Judgement become the official scores of all Players. Otherwise, > the scores posted by the Speaker become the official scores of > all Players. If no Call for Judgement is made during the week > following a posting of scores by the Speaker, the posted scores > become official, that is, each Player's score is changed, if > necessary, to the amount posted by the Speaker.
Wouldn't that revert everyone's scores to the value they had a week ago?