On Mon, 2010-01-11 at 17:13 -0700, Sean Hunt wrote:
> >      Title: Cabinet Secretary.
> >      Position: the Cabinet Secretary CAN rubberstamp an ordinary,
> >      non-filibustered decision in its voting period by indicating the
> >      decision; this decreases its quorum to 3, rules to the contrary
> >      notwithstanding.
> Quorum has, in all my play, never once been used for actual vote
> manipulation. I think we should remove this prerogative and the
> associated fee spending.

It has been a concern in scams before now; some of the scams I've tried
to run have required having the Cabinet Secretary/Wielder of Rubberstamp
on board in order to prevent the scam being broken by subquoruming. With
this sort of rule, just because it isn't used doesn't mean it isn't


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