On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 10:52, Kerim Aydin<ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
> Just some comments on these options:
>> 1. Destroy extras - The current system. If you have too many cards the
>> extras are randomly destroyed. This requires a lot of extra work on
>> the Dealors part, and also makes it difficult for players to 'store
>> up' cards for certain purposes.
>> 2. Prevent draws - Players don't earn draws when their hand is full.
>> This gets messy when it becomes difficult to determine who owns which
>> cards, and since cards have 4 different recordkeepers it may be a
>> frequent problem.
> First, a question for you:  Given your automation, was I wrong to
> separate out three recordkeepers for basic decks?  It looks like one
> high-priority office could handle these (though Major Arcana -
> concerned with the speaker - and Salary switches - could be tracked
> separately).
> The old system was a mix of the above two.  Players earned "pending
> draws" which could only be satisfied if your hand limit was below the
> limit.  (In addition, powerful cards could actually take more than one
> "card slot" in the hand, adding to strategy).  If you had too many
> cards in your hand, you held your pending draws until you didn't.
> Pending draws built up like currencies.  They were never made tradeable,
> but players would offer pending draws, e.g. "I pledge to transfer you
> whatever card I get from my Nth pending draw".  (The attempt to make
> draws tradeable broke cards for the umpteenth time, which is when we
> repealed the whole edifice).
> Periodically (quarterly or less) there was a general reset in which all
> cards except 1-2 were (randomly by dealer) discarded, so a whole set of
> new cards could be drawn from the pending draw pool.  In between those
> resets, you could discard and draw and play and get the killer hand.
> It took some fiddling to get the balance right between draw rate, hand
> limit, and reset frequency, but it did reach a reasonable balance
> between strategy and reasonable game reset rate.
> The key was that all cards came out of one deck with one tracker; we
> chose this time to prefer the added strategy of allowing choice of
> decks to draw from.  If we re-unify the dealer into a single office this
> could still work, though.  I wanted to go with that system, but it seemed
> (at the time) incompatible with three decks.  But if those three decks
> all had the same dealer...
While it's possible to have one officer track it all (and I wouldn't
mind given the automation I have set up), it would be a big task...and
while I've been trying to provide automation for the sake of easing
recordkeepor burdens I still wouldn't want to complexify recordkeeping
to the point that it couldn't be done manually lest Agora fall into
disrepair without the automation.

On a side note, I've been tracking pending draws (as you describe them
above) behind the scenes on my web-interface. The primary difference
at this point seems to be that dealers are obligated to deal pending
draws now instead of the player being able to initiate them at a time
of eir choosing.


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