On Tue, 28 Jul 2009, Roger Hicks wrote:
> I was thinking along similar lines (see my Court Jester proposal)

I like this your implementation: 
[from the SLR archives:
      * Caption: Hot Potato
        Quota: 1
        Elements: Persistent
        Exploit: Transfer this Card to another entity. If that entity
          does not post to a Public Forum the phrase "Hot Potato"
          within 48 hours, they are guilty of the Class 1 Infraction
          of Dropping the Potato which you are authorized to Report.

> For starters, cards have no way to provide a static,
> ongoing effect - only an exploit that is invoked when it is played.
> Therefore your Millstone couldn't prevent transfers or card plays
> without a significant re-write of the definition of cards.

It's trivial to add a sentence "the holder of a millstone cannot...X"
outside the definition of the exploit.  (I'm not saying the millstone
is the best way, but this part isn't an issue).


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