2009/4/28 Ben Daniel <b...@bendaniel.us>:
> I, a biological organism generally recognized by and commonly referred to by
> the name of Ben Daniel, wish to register as a new player.


> Do you have some sort of welcome packet that might assist new players in
> becoming familiar with the other players?  If so, please forward one to me
> or furnish a link where I might view such information.

Reading the lists (you are subscribed to them all, right? :-)) and the
rules (in case you haven't already;
http://agora.qoid.us/current_flr.txt is reasonably up to date AFAIK)
is probably the best idea. There aren't that many people around.
http://agoranomic.org/ has some pointers.

> Also, something like a fruit basket (or suitable facsimile image of a fruit
> basket) with a lovely greeting card would be a nice touch.  I'm feeling
> rather down today, it's been raining all weekend.

\                  /
 \                /
  \     fruit    /

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