comex wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 2:25 PM, Jonatan Kilhamn
> <> wrote:
>> But if I don't want to clutter the ruleset with "If Agora has not
>> joined Internomic 2, the ambassador SHALL join internomic 2 in a
>> timely fashion", how should I do?
> "...the ambassador SHALL join Internomic 2 in a timely fashion.  After
> e has done this e can cause this rule to repeal itself by
> announcement" is one way.
How about a blanket rule that allows Agora to direct the Agora's
participation in other nomics by proposal (a useful feature), and then
simply append text to the proposal causing Agora to join?

     If an adopted proposal directs the Ambassador to perform an action
     on Agora's behalf, e SHALL after that proposal is adopted. Unless
     otherwise specified or prohibited, e SHALL take that action as soon
     as possible.

     The Ambassador's monthly report shall contain detail of all such
     obligations that have not been fulfilled (including ongoing

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