2009/3/25 Alex Smith <ais...@bham.ac.uk>:
> On Wed, 2009-03-25 at 19:12 +0100, Jonatan Kilhamn wrote:
>> Okay, I guess I didn't really know exactly what was allowed since I
>> just read "outline changes to the gamestate". The only thing I can see
>> that would stop it is that it requires higher power than the 1 it gets
>> from adoption index, but then again I don't have that high search-fu,
>> so if anyone points out which rule it is I will retract the proposal.
> The problem is that you'd only create half an obligation, or so. A
> breach of an obligation can't be punished (Rule 1504) unless it was
> specified in some rule; and although I can imagine a proposal creating a
> platonic, power-1 obligation floating around in nomicspace somewhere,
> the rules wouldn't recognise that it existed. Likewise, rule 2160 also
> cares about obligations, but again only ones enforced by the rule. So
> the point is that if you want to do something non-instantaneous, you
> should put it into the rules, or the rules won't notice.
> --
> ais523
But if I don't want to clutter the ruleset with "If Agora has not
joined Internomic 2, the ambassador SHALL join internomic 2 in a
timely fashion", how should I do?


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