On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 5:26 PM, Kerim Aydin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 6 Nov 2008, Ian Kelly wrote:
>> Because requiring an average of 100 points over 3 axes is equivalent
>> to just requiring 300 total points, which is essentially just the
>> current system with a higher target.
> Well you can do transformations stuff:
> Spacewar!
>  Each player has a Spaceship with an X,Y, and Z coordinate (X, Y, and
>  Z are integers rounded after each calculation).  Each player's start
>  position is randomly chosen so that sqrt(X^2+Y^2+Z^2)=100.
>  Having a spaceship at (0,0,0) is a winning condition.
>  1.  Each Spaceship also has a velocity.
>  2.  Points are the fuel tank, starting empty.  The player may choose
>      to apply it to + or - X,Y,or Z (6 distinct choices).
>  2.  Position updated weekly based on velocity (means can accelerate
>      towards win).
>  3.  If two Spaceships enter the same (X,Y,Z), the one moving fastest
>      stays put, the other goes back to a random start with velocity
>      intact.
>      [Robo-Rally option: bounce off each other].
>  4.  Lasers!

I like the general idea, but I think it would work better as one
contest than as the basis of the entire system.


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