On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 22:37, Ben Caplan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wednesday 24 September 2008 08:20:35 am Geoffrey Spear wrote:
>> I recommend a sentence of
>> EXILE with a tariff of 180 days.
> R1504 prescribes "the middle of the tariff range... for severe rule
> breaches amounting to a breach of trust." The middle of the tariff
> range in this case is 90 days. Is what e did really *significantly
> more* severe than a "severe rule breach[] amounting to a breach of
> trust"?

Well, from the rest of Wooble's words:
> [...] Since he
> first came across Agora, e's constantly shown a blatant disregard for
> the rules, and unlike many other scamsters has taken on little
> responsibility as a mitigating factor.
I take it that e alleges that tusho's history makes a longer tariff
warranted compared to some isolated violation that nevertheless
amounted to a severe breach of trust. Whether this is a good argument,
any judge assigning a sentence will need to determine.


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