comex wrote:

> Personally I think the most pressing concern is the lack of any
> meaningful Agoran currency.  Previously, even a judge who didn't
> egregiously abuse the system was compelled to judge accurately and on
> time so that e might gain the Blue VC.

I've been trying to tweak Notes into a meaningful form; compare BobTHJ's
tweaks to the AAA, particularly introducing subsidization (without which
it would likely be too difficult to be worth attempting).  Here are some
more ideas:

  * Spend 2 notes of one pitch to gain 1 of a different pitch
      randomly chosen by Conductor
  * Spend 3 notes of one pitch to gain 1 of a different pitch
      of your choice
  * New players get 5 random notes

> Now, the only option to punish the judge *at all* for a stupid
> judgement is a criminal case, where the sentences range from FINE (now
> a slap on the wrist, too lenient) to CHOKEY and EXILE (too extreme),
> nothing in between.
> The only things Agorans really care about (that can be lost right now)
> are playerhood and voting rights, which are too extreme punishments
> for a bad judgement, but right now there is nothing less.  Some new
> kind of creative punishment might be made, but if we just had a
> currency where FINE made sense-- heck, we already do, just let the
> judge compel the defendant to destroy an AAA Land-- we could once
> again compel judges to judge reasonably, without resorting to capital
> punishment.

Another possibility is a minimum-security CHOKEY that only reduces
VLOD by 1/4 rather than 1/2.

> Which reminds me of an idea I had... what if we made Contracts a
> subtype of Rules which might not apply to all persons?  If done right,
> contests like the AAA could create (say) Agoran decisions without
> either any specific wording to that effect

I assume you mean "any specific wording to the effect that contracts
can create Agoran decisions".  But such wording would be simpler than
promoting contracts to a subtype of Rules, IMO (not that I'm opposed
to exploring complex changes, but not everyone will want to take up
the challenge of writing the initial draft).

> or any chance of scamming
> the Agoran decision rule, because the contest would be defining
> decisions at its own power.

I don't see how Power would prevent (say) some non-AAA players from
forming a Power=0.1 BBB contract, then contract-proposing to destroy
all assets defined by the also Power=0.1 AAA contract.  Unless you
plan to convert Power to a semi-ordered domain...

> It's relevant to this discussion because
> we could also "promote" the AAA to rule status easily, if we liked it
> enough, then reference it in other rules.

The rules could more simply reference certain contracts by name.

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