Kerim Aydin wrote:
>It's a different mechanism.

But you still define contests to be a subclass of contracts.  I don't
think this will work.

>root proposed a rule that would fix that,

No, root's proposal would define "basis" for first-class persons.
It's currently defined only for partnerships.  Neither version of the
rule defines "basis" for non-partnership contracts.  I think it would
be problematic to apply the partnership definition to contracts in
general too.  If that's what you intend here, then I think you should say
"the cardinality of the union of the bases of the contestants".

>                                      Having contests that accidentally
>aren't contests but ARE contracts raises other questions (if a contestant
>joins on the understanding that e is joining a contest, but it isn't a
>contest, did e join under false pretenses so eir joining may be invalidated? 

I don't see such a great problem here.  The contract still operates some
kind of competetive game, presumably, it just can't award Agoran points.
I see no problem with a contract periodically gaining and losing contest
status, as the conditions for contesthood change and the contract is
modified to match the latest regulations.

>Now that we have a body of contract law, I'm happy to depart explicitly from
>"other law systems" in Agoran law...

If you're going to do that then do it explicitly.  Modify R1742's
definition of "contract".


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