All these bugs mirror fixes made in the old contests which were pretty bulleted against scams. Also, the joining issue. In fact, the old Organization rules covered a lot of this well. Let's try again.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Proto: Public games, AI 1.5 Amend Rule 2136 (Contests) to read: A contest is a public contract that an originator (hereafter the contestmaster) may create without 3 objections, provided e is not the contestmaster of another contest. Members other than the contestmaster are known as contestants. A contestmaster may, each week, award to its contestants a number of points equal to 5 times its basis, where the basis is calculated using only contestants who have been contestants for a week or more at the time of award. An award is made by a public announcement and must be made according to the terms of the contract. [Severe abuses? Objection mechanism. Waiting period? Contestants must be contestants for a week before points are awarded. Fairness? Who cares! Pegging awards to member size is self-limiting. An unfair N person "scam" can award 5*N^2 points divided among its N so 5*(N) per person per week. Hardly worth it! And the better the contest at attracting members, the better the potential reward (kind of like an ante)]. [Now what about continuity?, Well...] Create the following rule, "Public Contracts": A public contract is created by the publication of its text by its Originator. The originator must be a first-class player. A contract is public if its text identifies it as such, or if it a particular class of contract which the rules require to be public. The contract is considered to exist as a continuous entity so long as its originator is a member; e may resign at any time unless the contract explicitly forbids it. However, the originator is not automatically protected from failure to fulfill eir contracted obligations if there are other members of the contract at the time of eir resignation. The identity of the originator can be changed to another member as explicitly specified in the contract. The originator of a public contract is bound to its terms even if there are no other members of the contract. Amend Rule 1742 (Contracts) by deleting the text: A public contract is a contract that identifies itself as such. Any other contract is private. [Isolate points into their own rule] Create a Rule entitled "Points" with the following text: Points are a class of fixed assets. Ownership of points is restricted to players. Points are a currency. The number of points owned by a player is eir score. The Scorekeepor is a high-priority office, and the recordkeepor of points. A player with 100 or more points may win the game by announcing this fact. Upon such an announcement, each player's score is set to zero. ----------------------------------------------------------------------