I had a similar problem, tape changing to unavailable, a few months back.  In 
my case, it was a problem with how the tape was identified.  The Library, an 
XLS, had it as "123456".  TMS has "123456" as a scratch tape and also had tape 
"123456L4" as the tape I wanted.  I had to check "123456" out of TMS and then 
check it back in as "123456L4".  This may not be the cause of your problem, but 
it is something to check.
On Mar 7, 2012, at 8:32 AM, Hughes, Timothy wrote:

> Hi 
> Thanks Daniel..I will also check these a and/or b could be a issue
> Regards
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of 
> Daniel Sparrman
> Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2012 5:06 PM
> Subject: Re: TSM Export issue unavailable tapes causing the exports to 
> suspend themselves
> Hi
> I'm guessing you've already checked 
> a) Element numbers (they CAN change)
> b) That your drives hasnt gone over-due on cleaning
> c) That the tapes has been usable before
> d) That your library device is available (if not, it's gonna put your volumes 
> in an unavailable state)
> Not questioning your competence, but have you tried running a audit library?
> Most of the issues with TSM & tape volumes usually adhere from configuration 
> issues. You either had it before, or you got it now. If you got it now, a 
> configuration change has happened. If you had it before, I'm sure it's one of 
> the above.
> If it's nothing of the above, describe your problem more in detail and I 
> might be able to help you.
> Regards
> Daniel Sparrman
> Daniel Sparrman
> Exist i Stockholm AB
> Växel: 08-754 98 00
> Fax: 08-754 97 30
> daniel.sparr...@exist.se
> http://www.existgruppen.se
> Posthusgatan 1 761 30 NORRTÄLJE
> -----"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> skrev: ----- 
> Från: "Hughes, Timothy" 
> Sänt av: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" 
> Datum: 03/06/2012 21:03
> Ärende: Re: TSM Export issue unavailable tapes causing the exports to suspend 
> themselves
> Richard thanks,
> When the volumes are updated to access=readwrite the commands seems to work 
> and in the error it doesn't show much. It seems the tapes go offline fairly 
> quickly, As soon as the request for a mount of the tape is made, At least 
> that's the way it seems to me.
> Thanks again
> 03/06/12   14:35:23      ANR1402W Mount request denied for volume C07498L3 - 
> volume
>                          unavailable. (SESSION: 113956, PROCESS: 5603)
> 03/06/12   14:35:23      ANR1420W Read access denied for volume C07498L3 - 
> volume
>                          access mode = "unavailable". (SESSION: 113956, 
>                          5603)
> 03/06/12   14:35:38      ANR1402W Mount request denied for volume C23919L3 - 
> volume
>                          unavailable. (SESSION: 113956, PROCESS: 5604)
> 03/06/12   14:35:38      ANR1420W Read access denied for volume C23919L3 - 
> volume
>                          access mode = "unavailable". (SESSION: 113956, 
>                          5604)
> 03/06/12   14:35:46      ANR1402W Mount request denied for volume C23727L3 - 
> volume
>                          unavailable. (SESSION: 113956, PROCESS: 5605)
> 03/06/12   14:35:46      ANR1420W Read access denied for volume C23727L3 - 
> volume
>                          access mode = "unavailable". (SESSION: 113956, 
>                          5605)
> 03/06/12   14:36:43      ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN1 issued command: QUERY
>                          ACTLOG search=denied  (SESSION: 113956)
> tsm >q actlog search=update
> Date/Time                Message
> --------------------     
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> 03/06/12   14:27:22      ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN1 issued command: UPDATE
>                          VOLUME c23727l3 access=readwrite  (SESSION: 113956)
> 03/06/12   14:27:22      ANR2207I Volume C23727L3 updated. (SESSION: 113956)
> 03/06/12   14:33:23      ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN1 issued command: UPDATE
>                          VOLUME c23919l3 access=readwrite  (SESSION: 113956)
> 03/06/12   14:33:23      ANR2207I Volume C23919L3 updated. (SESSION: 113956)
> 03/06/12   14:33:40      ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN1 issued command: UPDATE
>                          VOLUME c07498l3 access=readwrite  (SESSION: 113956)
> 03/06/12   14:33:40      ANR2207I Volume C07498L3 updated. (SESSION: 113956)
> 03/06/12   14:33:42      ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN1 issued command: UPDATE
>                          VOLUME c07498l3 access=readwrite  (SESSION: 113956)
> 03/06/12   14:33:42      ANR2207I Volume C07498L3 updated. (SESSION: 113956)
> 03/06/12   14:35:01      ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN1 issued command: UPDATE
>                          VOLUME c23727l3 access=readwrite  (SESSION: 113956)
> 03/06/12   14:35:01      ANR2207I Volume C23727L3 updated. (SESSION: 113956)
> 03/06/12   14:35:06      ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN1 issued command: UPDATE
>                          VOLUME c23727l3 access=readwrite  (SESSION: 113956)
> 03/06/12   14:35:06      ANR2207I Volume C23727L3 updated. (SESSION: 113956)
> 03/06/12   14:35:07      ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN1 issued command: UPDATE
>                          VOLUME c23727l3 access=readwrite  (SESSION: 113956)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of 
> Richard Sims
> Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2012 2:04 PM
> Subject: Re: TSM Export issue unavailable tapes causing the exports to 
> suspend themselves
> The Activity Log should have messages for when the tapes went to Unavailable, 
> thus suggesting a cause.  If a Library Manager is involved, it may be having 
> issues which need investigation.
>     Richard Sims

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