Richard thanks,

When the volumes are updated to access=readwrite the commands seems to work and 
in the error it doesn't show much. It seems the tapes go offline fairly 
quickly, As soon as the request for a mount of the tape is made, At least 
that's the way it seems to me.

Thanks again

03/06/12   14:35:23      ANR1402W Mount request denied for volume C07498L3 - 
                          unavailable. (SESSION: 113956, PROCESS: 5603)
03/06/12   14:35:23      ANR1420W Read access denied for volume C07498L3 - 
                          access mode = "unavailable". (SESSION: 113956, 
03/06/12   14:35:38      ANR1402W Mount request denied for volume C23919L3 - 
                          unavailable. (SESSION: 113956, PROCESS: 5604)
03/06/12   14:35:38      ANR1420W Read access denied for volume C23919L3 - 
                          access mode = "unavailable". (SESSION: 113956, 
03/06/12   14:35:46      ANR1402W Mount request denied for volume C23727L3 - 
                          unavailable. (SESSION: 113956, PROCESS: 5605)
03/06/12   14:35:46      ANR1420W Read access denied for volume C23727L3 - 
                          access mode = "unavailable". (SESSION: 113956, 
03/06/12   14:36:43      ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN1 issued command: QUERY
                          ACTLOG search=denied  (SESSION: 113956)

tsm >q actlog search=update

Date/Time                Message
03/06/12   14:27:22      ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN1 issued command: UPDATE
                          VOLUME c23727l3 access=readwrite  (SESSION: 113956)
03/06/12   14:27:22      ANR2207I Volume C23727L3 updated. (SESSION: 113956)
03/06/12   14:33:23      ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN1 issued command: UPDATE
                          VOLUME c23919l3 access=readwrite  (SESSION: 113956)
03/06/12   14:33:23      ANR2207I Volume C23919L3 updated. (SESSION: 113956)
03/06/12   14:33:40      ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN1 issued command: UPDATE
                          VOLUME c07498l3 access=readwrite  (SESSION: 113956)
03/06/12   14:33:40      ANR2207I Volume C07498L3 updated. (SESSION: 113956)
03/06/12   14:33:42      ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN1 issued command: UPDATE
                          VOLUME c07498l3 access=readwrite  (SESSION: 113956)
03/06/12   14:33:42      ANR2207I Volume C07498L3 updated. (SESSION: 113956)
03/06/12   14:35:01      ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN1 issued command: UPDATE
                          VOLUME c23727l3 access=readwrite  (SESSION: 113956)
03/06/12   14:35:01      ANR2207I Volume C23727L3 updated. (SESSION: 113956)
03/06/12   14:35:06      ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN1 issued command: UPDATE
                          VOLUME c23727l3 access=readwrite  (SESSION: 113956)
03/06/12   14:35:06      ANR2207I Volume C23727L3 updated. (SESSION: 113956)
03/06/12   14:35:07      ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN1 issued command: UPDATE
                          VOLUME c23727l3 access=readwrite  (SESSION: 113956)

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of 
Richard Sims
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2012 2:04 PM
Subject: Re: TSM Export issue unavailable tapes causing the exports to suspend 

The Activity Log should have messages for when the tapes went to Unavailable, 
thus suggesting a cause.  If a Library Manager is involved, it may be having 
issues which need investigation.

     Richard Sims

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