That is a q vol, not q libvol. It sounds like TSM or the library can not find the tapes.
- The location is blank, so TSM believes the tapes are home. That does not guarantee they are, or that they are in the right address in the library. - Then the actlog should show if there are read errors (although these tapes are not in error state and show no read or write errors.) - I don't know what library you have and I only have experience with a few, but libraries do lose tapes. You could try a library audit. These tapes were last read/writen from half a year to almost a year ago. Have there been any changes to the library or virtual library since then? - Try ejecting the tapes from the library (checking them out) then checking them back in. - If they won't checkout try ejecting them via the library. Then check them out with "remove=no"...then check them back in. - You could try a move data on one of the tapes as a test. Put the console up and look for error/warning messages as the command processes. George H On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 12:03 PM, Hughes, Timothy <> wrote: > George, Thanks for your reply > > Yes they are there > > > VOLUME_NAME: C07498L3 > STGPOOL_NAME: LTO64POOL > DEVCLASS_NAME: LTO64CLASS > EST_CAPACITY_MB: 102400.0 > SCALEDCAP_APPLIED: > PCT_UTILIZED: 0.0 > STATUS: FILLING > ACCESS: UNAVAILABLE > PCT_RECLAIM: 0.1 > SCRATCH: YES > ERROR_STATE: NO > NUM_SIDES: 1 > TIMES_MOUNTED: 1 > WRITE_PASS: 1 > LAST_WRITE_DATE: 2011-05-06 07:25:51.000000 > LAST_READ_DATE: 2011-05-06 05:11:00.000000 > PENDING_DATE: > WRITE_ERRORS: 0 > READ_ERRORS: 0 > LOCATION: > MVSLF_CAPABLE: No > CHG_TIME: 2012-03-06 07:52:03.000000 > BEGIN_RCLM_DATE: > END_RCLM_DATE: > VOL_ENCR_KEYMGR: None >